- How do you deal with stress with finals?
This is definitely something I struggled with when I was a first-year, and it is something I still struggle with today as a junior. What I do is take it one day at a time. It is important to study, but also to give yourself breaks so you have the ability to focus better. I know for me, going outside and getting some fresh air can get me in a better mindset. It is about the little things and finding what makes you happy. I know I will be taking a few trips to Starbucks as a treat! Find the things that you find rewarding, and remember, everything will be okay.
- How do you deal with friendship issues?
I think communication is key. It is tough to always be open and honest in friendships, but at the end of the day, it is better to openly express if something feels wrong or off than to let it lead to a miscommunication. I have had these struggles as well, and it is okay to feel lost. Everyone deals with some sort of friendship drama, and you are not alone in the struggle. Talk to your friends about how you feel and try your best to have a respectful conversation.
- I feel lost in my major and like I want to do something else. What should I do?
I think you should ask yourself what you like about your major and what you do not like. You know yourself best, so if you truly feel your major is not right for you, then take action from there. Maybe make a list of things you are interested in and see what the university has to offer based upon that. I also think it is important to talk to family, friends or someone else trusted in your life. It is okay and normal to not have an answer yet. Try things out and see what makes you most happy.