International Fellows of the Army War College Visit Royal Cadets
By Adelyne Ibanez – Contributor
Each year, the cadets of the Royal Warrior ROTC Battalion have the honor of meeting the International Fellows of the Army War College (AWC). Those who have studied a language are invited to meet the senior officers in this prestigious school.
During the event a speech is given by the University of Scranton’s Chair Professor of Military Science, Lieutenant Colonel Jason (Jay) Wenger, who is a foreign language student himself, along with a presentation of our ROTC program. The night concludes with dinner, where young cadets get to meet international officers who are fluent in the languages and cultures that the cadets have been studying.
The AWC is a Senior Leadership College that contains courses focused on professional and strategic leadership. Each year, The Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army extends the invitation to eighty senior military officers from across the globe.
Located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, the AWC offers many programs including the Distance Education Program that enables senior officers to earn their master’s degree in strategic studies in two years. One of their many lessons requires learning about the U.S. Army, including its Reserve Officers’ Training Corp, which is taught by our own cadets and instructors.
An integral part of cultural awareness and expansion comes from language learning and immersion. Army ROTC has numerous programs and initiatives that give cadets the opportunity to broaden their language skills and involve themselves in the worldwide community.
One program, called Project Global Officer, took a sophomore cadet of the Royal Warrior Battalion Rosalyn Page to Taiwan this summer. Cadet Page spent two months in Taipei, Taiwan learning their native language of Mandarin Chinese and exploring their beautiful city and culture.
“I personally believe it’s beneficial to all to study foreign languages and cultures. It opens doors to so many new opportunities and helps improve both your self-awareness and problem-solving abilities. Traveling abroad was such an enriching experience that I will treasure for a lifetime,” Page said.